Saturday 8 March 2014


Rasa refers to the emotional flavors/essence of a person. It is crafted into the work by the writer and a good taste by a positive taste and mind. They are described by Bharata Muni in the Nātyasāstra, an ancient work of dramatic theory. RASA is most important in Indian drama and literature.

Poetry and Rasa both belongs to each other. The attractiveness of poetry is because of the Rasas. In the case of poetry and drama this taste is to be tasted with the help of the ears and the eyes.

There are eight primary rasas. Śṛngāram (शृङ्गारं) Love, attractiveness, Hāsyam (हास्यं) Laughter, comedy,Raudram (रौद्रं) Fury, Kāruṇyam (कारुण्यं) Compassion, Bībhatsam (बीभत्सं) Disgust, Bhayānakam (भयानकं) Horror, Vīram (वीरं) Heroic mood, Adbhutam (अद्भुतं) Wonder.

The theory of Rasa is still is been used in the entire Indian classical dance and theater such as Bharatanatyam, kathak, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Manipuri, Kudiyattam, Kathakali and others. Classical Indian dance form is referred to as Rasa-abhinaya expressing Rasa. The Nātyasāstra carefully potrays the bhavas used to create each rasa.

Rasa has the important influence on Indian cinema. Emotions, which are very important in any of the cinema and it is the only thing which differentiate it from the western culture. Rasa is the method of conveying the emotions which is thus felt by the audiences. 

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